Open positions in the reliable wireless communication group
- Junior scientist (m/f/d) for 6G wireless communication technologies (including a PhD thesis)
- Master Thesis “GPU based radio channel modelling for 6G"
- Master Thesis “Software defined radio measurement system for 6G"
- Advanced Wireless Communications 2 - Energy efficient, green 6G communication technologies (389.172)
- PhD Thesis Supervision (winter term 389.188/ summer term 389.189)
see also Google Scholar Citations; AIT publication database
Journal Papers
- Millimeter wave MIMO channel estimation using sub-6 GHz out-of-band information
F. Pasic, M. Hofer, M. Mussbah, S. Sangodoyin, S. Caban, S. Schwarz, T. Zemen, M. Rupp, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE Transaction on Communications, October 2024, submitted. - Double-directional V2V channel measurement using ReRoMA at 60 GHz
H. Hammoud, Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, S. Sangodoyin, M. Hofer, F. Pasic, T. Pohl, R. Závorka, A. Prokeš, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Communications, July 2024, submitted. - Millimeter-wave V2X channel measurements in urban environments
A. F. Molisch, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, T. Zemen, A. Prokes, M. Hofer, F. Pasic, and H. Hammoud, in Open Journal on Vehicular Technology, December 2024, invited paper, doi. - A novel low-cost channel sounder for double-directionally resolved measurements in the mmWave band
H. Hammoud, Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, S. Sangodoyin, M. Hofer, F. Pasic, T. Pohl, A. Prokeš, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 1, January 2025, doi. - Site-specific radio channel representation for 5G and 6G
T. Zemen, J. Gomez-Ponce, A. Chandra, M. Walter, E. Aksoy, R. He, D. Matolak, M. Kim, J. Takada, S. Salous, R. Valenzuela, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Communication Magazine, November 2024, doi, arXiv. - Characterizing the 80GHz channel in static scenarios: Diffuse reflection, scattering and transmission through trees under varying weather conditions
R. Zavorka, T. Mikulasek, J. Vychodil, J. Blumenstein, A. Prokes, P. Horky, A. Chandra, H. Hammoud, J. M. Kelner, C. Henryk Ziółkowski, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE Access, October 2024, doi - Spectral efficiency of time-variant massive MIMO using Wiener prediction
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1225 - 1229, April 2023, doi. - Scatterer identification by atomic norm minimization in vehicular mm-Wave propagation channels
H. Groll, P. Gerstoft, M. Hofer, J. Blumenstein, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 102334 - 102354, September 2022, doi. - Towards cell-free massive MIMO: A measurement-based analysis
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, L. Bernadó, S. Zelenbaba, and T. Zemen, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 89232 - 89247, August 2022, doi, arXiv. - Photonic delay processing with centralized etalon cascade for radio beamsteering in simplified 2×5 phased-array radio heads
A. Val Martí, D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 20, pp. 6929-6938, October 2022, doi. - Multi-node vehicular wireless channels: Measurements, large vehicle modelling, and hardware-in-the-loop evaluation
S. Zelenbaba, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, A. Dakić, L. Bernadó, and T. Zemen, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 112439 - 112453, July 2021, doi, arXiv. - Real-time vehicular wireless system-level simulation
A. Dakić, M. Hofer, B. Rainer, S. Zelenbaba, L. Bernadó, and T. Zemen, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 23202-23217, February 2021, arXiv, doi, Erratum, doi. - Analog coherent-optical mobile fronthaul with integrated photonic beamforming
D. Milovančev, N. Vokić, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 2827 - 2837, September 2021, doi. - Orthogonally precoded massive MIMO for high mobility scenarios
T. Zemen, D. Loeschenbrand, M. Hofer, C. Pacher, and B. Rainer, IEEE Access, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 132979-132990, December 2019, doi. - Position-specific statistics of 60 GHz vehicular channels during overtaking
E. Zöchmann, M. Hofer, M. Lerch, S. Pratschner, L. Bernadó, J. Blumenstein, S. Caban, S. Sangodoyin, H. Groll, T. Zemen, A. Prokes, M. Rupp, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 14216 - 14232, January 2019, doi. - Real-time geometry-based wireless channel emulation
M. Hofer, Z. Xu, D. Vlastaras, B. Schrenk, D. Löschenbrand, F. Tufvesson, and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1631 - 1645, February 2019, doi. - A hybrid ray and graph model for simulating vehicle-to-vehicle channels in tunnels
M. Gan, G. Steinböck, Z. Xu, T. Pedersen, and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 7955 - 7968, September 2018, doi. - Visible-light Multi-Gb/s transmission based on resonant cavity LED with optical energy feed
B. Schrenk, M. Hofer, F. Laudenbach, H. Hübel, and T. Zemen, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Localisation, Communication and Networking with VLC, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 175 - 184, January 2018, doi. - Analog receiver for coherent optical analog radio-over-fiber transmission
B. Schrenk, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, Optics Letters, vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 3165 - 3168, August 2017, doi. - A time-variant channel prediction and feedback framework for interference alignment
Z. Xu, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 5961 - 5973, July 2017, doi, arXiv. - Measurement-based wideband analysis of dynamic multipath propagation in vehicular communication scenarios
K. Mahler, W. Keusgen, F. Tufvesson, T. Zemen, and G. Caire, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 4657 - 4667, June 2017, doi, arXiv. - In-vehicle channel measurement, characterization and spatial consistency comparison of 3-11 GHz and 55-65 GHz frequency bands
J. Blumenstein, A. Prokes, T. Mikulasek, R. Marsalek, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 3526 - 3537, May 2017, doi. - Validation of the decomposition method for fast MIMO over-the-air measurements
B. Auinger, T. Zemen, M. Gadringer, A. Tankielun, C. Gagern, and W. Bosch, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Radio Wave Propagation Modeling for 5G Systems, 2017, doi. - Energy Self-Sufficient Node with Integrated Lightpath Monitoring for Spectrum-Aware PON
B. Schrenk, M. Hofer, M. Hentschel, and T. Zemen, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 318 - 321, Feb. 2017, doi. - Tracking of wideband multipath components in a vehicular communication scenario
K. Mahler, W. Keusgen, F. Tufvesson, T. Zemen, and G. Caire, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 15 - 25, Jan. 2017, doi, arXiv. - Hybrid model for reverberant indoor radio channels using rays and graphs
G. Steinböck, M. Gan, P. Meissner, E. Leitinger, K. Witrisal, T. Zemen, and T. Pedersen, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagations, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 4036 - 4048, Sept. 2016, doi. - Frequency-domain in-vehicle UWB channel modeling
A. Chandra, A. Prokes, P. Kukolev, T. Mikulasek, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 3929 - 3940, June 2016, doi. - Serial subtractive deconvolution algorithms for time-domain ultra wide band in-vehicle channel sounding
A. Chandra, J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, J. Vychodil, R. Marsalek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IET Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 870-880, November 2015, doi. - Simulation and measurement based vehicle-to-vehicle channel characterization: Accuracy and constraint analysis
T. Abbas, J. Nuckelt, T. Kürner, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and F. Tufvesson, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 3208-3218, July 2015, doi. - Measurement of ultra wide band in-vehicle channels - statistical description and TOA positioning feasibility study
J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, R. Marsalek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, April 2015, doi. - Time- and frequency-varying K-factor of non-stationary vehicular channels for safety relevant scenarios
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1007-1017, April 2015, doi. - In-vehicle channel sounding in the 5.8 GHz band
P. Kukolev, A. Chandra, T. Mikuláek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, March 2015, doi - Delay and Doppler spreads of non-stationary vehicular channels for safety relevant scenarios
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 82-93, January 2014, doi. - Partner selection in indoor-to-outdoor cooperative networks: an experimental study
P. Castiglione, S. Savazzi, M. Nicoli, and T. Zemen, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Theories and Methods for Advanced Wireless Relays, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1559-1571, August 2013, doi. - Characterization of non-stationary channels using mismatched Wiener filtering
A. Ispas, M. Dörpinghaus, G. Ascheid and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 274-288, January 2013, doi - Adaptive reduced-rank estimation of non-stationary time-variant channels using subspace selection
T. Zemen and A. F. Molisch, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 4042-4056, November 2012, doi. - Energy management policies for enery-neutral source-channel coding
P. Castiglione, O. Simeone, E. Erkip, and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 2668-2678, September 2012, doi. - Receive antenna selection for time-varying channels using discrete prolate spheroidal
H. A. Saleh, A. F. Molisch, T. Zemen, S. D. Blostein, and N. B. Mehta, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 2616-2627, July 2012, doi. - Iterative time-variant channel estimation for 802.11p using generalized discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
T. Zemen, L. Bernado, N. Czink, and A. Molisch, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1222-1233, March 2012, doi. - Analytical multi-user MIMO channel modeling: Subspace alignment matters
N. Czink, B. Bandemer, C. Oestges, T. Zemen, and A. Paulraj, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 367-377, January 2012, doi. - Funkkommunikation für intelligente Verkehrssysteme — Status und Ausblick
T. Zemen, N. Czink, L. Bernadó, and C. Vogel, E & I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, no. 7-8, pp. 276-281, July/August 2011, invited survey paper, doi. - Vehicular channel characterization and its implications for wireless system design and performance
C. F. Mecklenbräuker, A. F. Molisch, J. Karedal, F. Tufvesson, A. Paier, L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, O. Klemp, and N. Czink, Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on Vehicular Communications, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 1189-1212, July 2011, doi. - On wireless links for vehicle-to-infrastructure communications
P. Belanovic, D. Valerio, A. Paier, T. Zemen, F. Ricciato, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 269-282, January 2010, doi. - A geometry-based stochastic MIMO model for vehicle-to-vehicle communications
J. Karedal, F. Tufvesson, N. Czink, A. Paier, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 3646-3657, July 2009, doi. - A time-variant MIMO channel model directly parametrised from measurements
N. Czink, T. Zemen, J. Nuutinen, J. Ylitalo, and E. Bonek, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (special issue on "Advances in Propagation Modelling for Wireless Systems"), vol. 2009, doi. - Characterization of vehicle-to-vehicle radio channels from measurements at 5.2 GHz
A. Paier, J. Karedal, N. Czink, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräucker, Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 50, no.1, pp. 19-32, July 2009, doi. - Low-complexity MIMO multiuser
receiver: A joint antenna detection scheme for time-varying channels
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 2931-2940, July 2008, doi. Erratum. - Minimum-energy band-limited predictor with dynamic subspace selection for time-variant flat-fading channels
T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, F. Kaltenberger, and B. H. Fleury, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 4534-4548, September 2007, doi. Erratum - Low-complexity geometry-based MIMO channel simulation
F. Kaltenberger, T. Zemen, and C. Ueberhuber, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 95281, 17 pages, 2007, doi. - Iterative
joint time-variant channel estimation and multi-user detection for MC-CDMA
T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, J. Wehinger, and R. R. Müller, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1469-1478, June 2006, doi. Erratum - Time-variant channel estimation using discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
T. Zemen and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 3597-3607, September 2005, doi.
Conference Papers
- Time-varying Rician K-factor in measured vehicular channels at cmWave and mmWave bands
F. Pasić, M. Hofer, T. Zemen, A. F. Molisch and C. F. Mecklenbäuker in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Stockholm, Sweden, April 2025, to be presented. - Enabling vehicular mmWave communication links using cmWave direction information
M. Hofer, F. Pasić, B. Rainer, A. Prokeš, C. F. Mecklenbäuker, A. F. Molisch, and T. Zemen, in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Stockholm, Sweden, April 2025, to be presented. - Site-specific radio channel emulation
A. Dakić, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Milan, Italy, March 2025, demo paper, to be presented. - Learning without forgetting: Predicting the reliability of V2X wireless communication
A. Dakić, B. Rainer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Milan, Italy, March 2025, to be presented.
- Reconfigurable intelligent surface for indoor industrial automation: mmWave propagation measurement, simulation, and control algorithm requirements
H. Radpour, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, L. W. Mayer, A. Hofmann, M. Schiefer, and T. Zemen, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, September 2024, arXiv. - Similarity of wireless multiband propagation in urban vehicular-to-infrastructure scenarios
M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, F. Pasić, D. Radović, B. Rainer, J. Blumenstein, C. F. Mecklenbäuker, S. Sangodoyin, H. Hammoud, G. Matz, A. F. Molisch, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, September 2024. - A novel low-cost channel sounder for double-directionally resolved measurements in the mmWave band
H. Hammoud, Y. Zhang, Z. Cheng, S. Sangodoyin, H. Markus, F. Pasic, T. Pohl, A. Prokeš, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC), Denver, CO, USA, June 2024. - Wireless V2X communication testbed for connected, cooperative and automated mobility
A. Dakić, B. Rainer, P. Priller. G. Nan, A. Momić, X. Ye, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Kobe, Japan, May 2024. - Channel estimation for mmWave MIMO using sub-6 GHz out-of-band information
F. Pasic, M. Hofer, M. Mussbah, S. Caban, S. Schwarz, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SMARTNETS), Harrisonburg, US, May 2024. - Active reconfigurable intelligent surface for the millimeter-wave frequency band: Design and measurement results
H. Radpour, M. Hofer, L. W. Mayer, A. Hofmann, M. Schiefer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 2024, arXiv. - Stationarity of multiband channels for OTFS-based intelligent transportation systems
D. Radovic, F. Pasic, M. Hofer, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Glasgow, Scotland, March 2024.
- Photonic frequency translation with EML+TIA enabled down-converting receiver
A. Val Marti, N. Vokić, D. Milocančev, T. Zemen, F. Karinou, and B. Schrenk, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, October 2023. - Full-duplex coherent analogue mm-wave RoF transmission with simplified RRH and photonic down-conversion of uplink
B. Schrenk, A. Val Marti, T. Zemen, and F. Karinou, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, October 2023. - Machine learning-based channel prediction for widely distributed massive MIMO with real-world data
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, L. Eller, M. Rupp, and T. Zemen, in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, October 2023, invited. - Quantifying the reproducibility of multi-band high speed wireless channel measurements
F. Pasic, M. Hofer, D. Radovic, H. Groll, S. Caban, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, September 2023. - Machine learning based prediction of frequency hopping spread spectrum signals
P. Thiele, L. Bernadó, D. Löschenbrand, B. Rainer, C. Sulzbachner, M. Leitner, T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, September 2023. - Frame error rate prediction for non-stationary wireless vehicular communication links
A. Dakić, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, September 2023, arXiv. - Stationarity evaluation of high-mobility sub-6 GHz and mmWave non-WSSUS channels
D. Radovic, F. Pasic, M. Hofer, H. Groll, C. F. Mecklenbräucker, and T. Zemen, in URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Sapporo, Japan, August 2023. - Statistical evaluation of delay and doppler spreads in sub-6 GHz and mmWave vehicular channels
F. Pasic, M. Hofer, M. Mussbah, H. Groll, T. Zemen, S. Schwarz, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC SPRING), Florence, Italy, June 2023. - Massive MIMO channel measurements for a railway station scenario
M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, S. Zelenbaba, G. Humer, B. Rainer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Glasgow, Scotland, March 2023. - Hardware-in-the-loop framework for testing wireless V2X communication
A. Dakić, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, S. Zelenbaba, S. Teschl, G. Nan, P. Priller, X. Ye, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Glasgow, Scotland, March 2023. - Measurement-based command and control radio channel characterisation for UAVs
L. Bernadó, D. Löschenbrand, C. Sulzbachner, F. Bruckmüller, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Glasgow, Scotland, March 2023.
- Wireless digital twin for assessing the reliability of vehicular communication links
S. Zelenbaba, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. - WiLi - vehicular wireless channel dataset enriched with LiDAR and radar data
B. Rainer, S. Zelenbaba, A. Dakić, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, X. Ye, G. Nan, S. Teschl, P. Priller, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022. - Intelligent transportation systems in the context of 5G-beyond and 6G networks
I. Kilanioti, G. Rizzo, B. M. Masini, A. Bazzi, D. P. M. Osorio, F. Linsalata, M. Magarini, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, and A. Kliks in IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2022. - Wireless 3 GHz and 30 GHz vehicle-to-vehicle measurements in an urban street scenario
M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, S. Zelenbaba, A. Dakić, B. Rainer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), London:Beijing, September 2022. - FM-CW LiDAR for proximity sensing applications integrating an alignment-tolerant FSO data channel
A. Val Marti, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, September 2022. - Radio beamsteering for a 2×5 remote radio head assisted by a shared wideband etalon cascade
A. Val Marti, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego USA, March 2022. - Hybrid CAP / mm-wave OFDM vector modulation for photonic frequency conversion in a single-sideband feeder
A. Val Marti, N. Vokić, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego USA, March 2022.
- A highly reliable ultralow-latency wireless solution for industrial control loops: Design and evaluation
G. Kail, H. Muhr, J. Gila, M. Schiefer, R. Hladik, M. Hofer, S. Zelenbaba, and T. Zemen, in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), hybrid conference, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, November 2021. - Hybrid analogue / digitized radio-over-fibre downlink through orthogonal optical mm-Wave and 10Gb/s baseband transport
A. Val Marti, N. Vokić, M. Hofer, D. Milovančev, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Bordeaux, France, September 2021. - Wireless vehicular multiband measurements in centimeterwave and millimeterwave bands
M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, J. Blumenstein, H. Groll, S. Zelenbaba, B. Rainer, L. Bernadó, J. Vychodil, T. Mikulasek, E. Zöchmann, S. Sangodoyin, H. Hammoud, R. Langwieser, S. Pratschner, A. Prokeš, A. Molisch, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), virtual conference, September 2021. - Scalable, resource and locality-aware selection of active scatterers in geometry-based stochastic channel models
B. Rainer, M. Hofer, S. Zelenbaba, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, X. Ye, and P. Priller, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), virtual conference, September 2021.
- Analogue radio-over-fiber fronthaul with UDWDM-based delay dissemination for photonic-assisted RF beam steering
D. Milovančev, N. Vokić, D. Löschenbrand, T. Zemen, and B. Schrenk, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, December 2020. - Packet error rate based validation method for an OpenStreetMap geometry-based channel model
S. Zelenbaba, B. Rainer, M. Hofer, A. Dakić, D. Löschenbrand, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Victoria B.C., Canada, December 2020. - Optimized diffuse scattering selection for large area real-time geometry based stochastic modeling of vehicular communication links
B. Rainer, M. Hofer, L. Bernado, S. Zelenbaba, D. Löschenbrand, A. Dakić, T. Zemen, P. Priller, X. Ye, W. Li, in IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM), Linz, Austria, November 2020, invited. - Towards a non-stationary correlated fading process for diffuse scattering in ray tracing
B. Rainer, D. Loeschenbrand, S. Zelenbaba, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), virtual conference, September 2020. - Orthogonal precoding with channel prediction for high mobility massive MIMO
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), virtual conference, September 2020. - A scalable mobile multi-node channel sounder
S. Zelenbaba, D. Loeschenbrand, M. Hofer, A. Dakić, B. Rainer, G. Humer and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), virtual conference, May 2020, doi. - 60 GHz V2I channel variability for different elevation angle switching strategies
H. Groll, E. Zöchmann, M. Hofer, H. Hammoud, S. Sangodoyin, T. Zemen, J. Blumenstein, A. Prokes, A. F. Molisch, and C.F. Mecklenbräuker, in 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), virtual conference, March 2020.
- Multipath propagation analysis for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication at 60 GHz
A. Prokes, J. Blumenstein, J. Vychodil, T. Mikulasek, R. Marsalek, E. Zöchmann, H. Groll, C.F. Mecklenbräuker, T. Zemen, A. Chandra, H. Hammoud, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Los Angeles, USA, December 2019. - Large aperture antenna array design for cellular massive MIMO
S. Pratschner, D. Löschenbrand, S. Schwarz, T. Zemen and M. Rupp, in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), Pacific Grove (CA), USA, November 2019. - Empirical and simulated performance evaluation of distributed massive MIMO
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, B. Rainer and T. Zemen, in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), Pacific Grove (CA), USA, November 2019. - Spatial properties of industrial wireless ultra-reliable low-latency communication MIMO links
S. Zelenbaba, M. Hofer, D. Loeschenbrand, G. Kail, M. Schiefer, and T. Zemen, in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (ASILOMAR), Pacific Grove (CA), USA, November 2019, doi. - Characterization of time-variant wireless channels in railway communication scenarios
S. Zelenbaba, L. Mayer, E. Mozo, F. Wirth, R. Hladik, A. Alonso Gómez, L. Bernadó, M. Schiefer, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 5G World Forum (WF-5G), Dresden, Germany, September 2019. - Combating massive MIMO channel aging by orthogonal precoding
T. Zemen and D. Loeschenbrand, in IEEE 5G World Forum (WF-5G), Dresden, Germany, September 2019, arXiv. - Vehicle-to-vehicle millimeter-wave channel measurements at 56-64GHz
J. Blumenstein, A. Prokes, J. Vychodil, T. Mikulasek, E. Zöchmann, H. Groll, C. Mecklenbräuker, M. Hofer, T. Zemen, S. Sangodoyin, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September 2019. - Evaluation of vehicle-in-the-loop tests for wireless V2X communication
M. Hofer, L. Bernadó, B. Rainer, Z. Xu, G. Temme, S. Khan, D. Behnecke, F. Utesch, M. Mahmod and T. Zemen, in IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September 2019. - Sparsity in the delay-Doppler domain for measured 60 GHz vehicle-to-infrastructure communication channels
H. Groll, E. Zöchmann, S. Pratschner, M. Lerch, D. Schützenhöfer, M. Hofer, J. Blumenstein, S. Sangodoyin, T. Zemen, A. Prokes, A. F. Molisch, and S. Caban, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, May 2019. - Distributed massive MIMO channel measurements in urban vehicular scenario
D. Löschenbrand, M. Hofer, L. Bernadó, G. Humer, B. Schrenk, S. Zelenbaba, and T. Zemen, in 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Krakow, Poland, April 2019. - Leveraging LED technology in consumer electronics towards Gb/s indoor visible light communication
B. Schrenk, D. Löschenbrand, H. Hübel, and T. Zemen, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, California, USA, March 2019.
- Time-domain broadband 60 GHz channel sounder for vehicle-to-vehicle channel measurement
A. Prokes, J. Vychodil, T. Mikulasek, J. Blumenstein, E. Zöchmann, H. Groll, C.F. Mecklenbräuker, M. Hofer, D, Löschenbrand, L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, S. Sangodoyin, and A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2018. - Performance analysis of ITS-G5 for smart train composition coupling
A. Alonso Gomez, E. Mozo, L. Bernadó, S. Zelenbaba, T. Zemen, F. Parrilla and A, Alberdi, in 16th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 2018. - High accuracy synchronization for distributed massive MIMO using white rabbit
T. Bigler, A. Treytl, D. Löschenbrand, and T. Zemen, International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS), CERN, Switzerland, Oct. 2018. - Statistical evaluation of delay and Doppler spread in 60 GHz vehicle-to-vehicle channels during overtaking
E. Zöchmann, M. Hofer, M. Lerch, J. Blumenstein, S. Sangodoyin, H. Groll, S. Pratschner, S. Caban, D. Löschenbrand, L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, A. Prokes, M. Rupp, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (APWC), Cartagena de Indas, Colombia, Sept. 2018. - Measured high-resolution power-delay profiles of nonstationary vehicular millimeter wave channels
J. Blumenstein, A. Prokes, J. Vychodil, T. Mikulasek, J. Milos, E. Zöchmann, H. Groll, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, S. Sangodoyiny, and A. Molisch, in IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2018. - Iterative detection for orthogonal precoding in doubly selective channels
T. Zemen, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, and C. Pacher, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Bologna, Italy, September 2018, arXiv. - Ray-tracing based fingerprinting for indoor localization
O. Renaudin, T. Zemen, and T. Burgess, in 19th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Kalamata, Greece, June 2018. - Validation of a real-time geometry-based stochastic channel model for vehicular scenarios
M. Hofer, Z. Xu, D. Vlastaras, B. Schrenk, D. Löschenbrand, F. Tufvesson and T. Zemen, in IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Porto, Portugal, June 2018. - Measured delay and Doppler profiles of overtaking vehicles at 60 GHz
E. Zöchmann, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, M. Lerch, S. Pratschner, M. Hofer, D. Löschenbrand, J. Blumenstein, S. Sangodoyin, G. Artner, S. Caban, T. Zemen, A. Prokes, M. Rupp, and A. Molisch, in 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), London, UK, April 2018.
- Real-time channel emulation of a geometry-based stochastic channel model on a SDR platform
M. Hofer, Z. Xu, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Sapporo, Japan, July 2017. - Semi-passive power/wavelength splitting node with integrated spectrum monitoring for reconfigurable PON
B. Schrenk, M. Hofer, M. Hentschel and T. Zemen, in Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2017. - Low-Cost Visible Light Communication System based on Off-the-Shelf LED for up to 4.3 Gb/s/λ Transmission
B. Schrenk, M. Hofer, F. Laudenbach, H. Hübel, T. Zemen, in Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 2017.
- Real-time demonstration of an optically powered radio head for low-power small cells with 94 dB end-to-end budget
B. Schrenk and T. Zemen, in 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2016), Düsseldorf, German, September 2016. - Scalable mobile fronthaul with spatial and spectral reconfigurability through virtually passive nodes
B. Schrenk, T. Zemen, M. Stierle, and H. Leopold, in European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC), Athens, Greece, June 2016. - Propagation channel in a rural overtaking scenario
with large obstructing vehicles
K. Mahler, W. Keusgen, F. Tufvesson, T. Zemen, and G. Caire, in IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Nanjing, China, May 2016. - Real-time vehicular channel emulator for future conformance tests of wireless ITS modems
G. Ghiaasi, M. Ashury, D. Vlastaras, M. Hofer, Z. Xu and T. Zemen in 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, Switzerland, April 2016. - Cluster-based non-stationary vehicular channel model
Z. Xu, M. Gan, and T. Zemen in 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, Switzerland, April 2016, invited. - Performance of a partner selection algorithm in IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless sensor networks
S. M. H. Aejaz, T. Zemen, and A. Springer, in Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), Austin, Texas, USA, Jan. 2016.
Also presented at the Microelectronic Systems Symposium (MESS), Vienna, Austria, April 2016.
- Intra-vehicular path loss comparison of UWB channel for 3-11 GHz and 55-65 GHz
J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB), Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2015. - Empirical relationship between local scattering function and joint probability density function
M. Walter, T. Zemen, and D. Shutin, in IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, September 2015. - Opportunistic interference alignment with 1-bit feedback in 3-cell interference channels
Z. Xu, M. Gan, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, September 2015. - Propagation of multipath components at an urban intersection
K. Mahler, W. Keusgen, F. Tufvesson, T. Zemen, and G. Caire, in IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Boston, USA, September 2015. - On the optimum number of hypotheses for adaptive reduced-rank subspace selection
M. Hofer, Z. Xu, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Boston, USA, September 2015. - Intra-vehicle ranging in ultra-wide and millimeter wave bands
A. Prokes, T. Mikulasek, J. Blumenstein, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and T. Zemen, in 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (APWIMOB), Bandung, Indonesia, Aug. 2015. - Towards spectrum-programmable, mesh-enabled mobile xhaul through reconfigurable WDM overlay in fully-passive optical networks
B. Schrenk, T. Lorünser, and T. Zemen, in 17th International Conference on Tranparent Optical Networks (ITCON), Budapest, Hungary, July 2015. - Comparison of interference mitigation techniques for next generation DSL systems
S. Drakulić;, D. Stratovci, M. Wolkerstorfer, and T. Zemen in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), London, UK, June 2015. - Characterization of short range intra-vehicle wireless links comparing ultrawideband 3-11 GHz and millimeter waves 55-65 GHz
C. F. Mecklenbräuker, A. Prokes, J. Blumenstein, and T. Zemen, in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Phoenix, USA, May 2015. - A sub-band divided ray tracing algorithm using the DPS subspace in UWB indoor scenarios
M. Gan, Z. Xu, M. Hofer, G. Steinboeck, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Glasgow, Scotland, May 2015. - Cluster spreads for time-variant vehicular channels
Z. Xu, M. Gan, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and T. Zemen in 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Cluster lifetime characterization for vehicular communication channels
M. Gan, Z. Xu, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and T. Zemen in 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - The decomposition method: Accelarated OTA test of MIMO devices
B. Auinger, M. Gadringer, A. Tankielum, T. Zemen, C. Gagern, and W. Bösch, in 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, April 2015. - Threshold-based selective feedback for opportunistic interference alignment
Z. Xu, M. Gan, and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, USA, March 2015. - CLEAN algorithms for intra-vehicular time-domain UWB channel sounding
A. Chandra, J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, J. Vychodil, M. Pospisil, R. Marsalek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS), Anger, France, February 2015.
- In-vehicle UWB channel measurement, model and spatial stationarity
J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Paderborn, Germany, December 2014, best short paper award. - Relaying for IEEE 802.11p at road intersection using a vehicular non-stationary channel model
Z. Xu, L. Bernadó, M. Gan, M. Hofer, T. Abbas, V. Shivaldov, K. Mahler, D. Smely, and T. Zemen, in 6th International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WIVEC), Vancouver, Canada, September 2014. - A ray tracing algorithm for intelligent transport systems in tunnels
M. Gan, Z. Xu, V. Shivaldova, A. Paier, F. Tufvesson, T. Zemen, in 6th International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WIVEC), Vancouver, Canada, September 2014. - In-vehicle mm-wave channel model and measurement
J. Blumenstein, T. Mikulasek, R. Marsalek, A. Prokes, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 80th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), Vancouver, Canada, September 2014. - An effective subdivision algorithm for diffuse scattering of ray tracing
M. Gan, X. Li, F. Tufvesson, and T. Zemen, in 31st URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Beijing, China, August 2014, invited. - Calibration of UWB sub-band divided ray tracing using multiobjective simulated annealing
M. Gan, P. Meissner, F. Mani, E. Leitinger, M. Fröhle, C. Oestges, K. Witrisal and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) - Wireless Communications Symposium (WCS), Sydney, Australia, June 2014. - Iterative non-stationary channel estimation for LTE downlink communications
M. Hofer and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Workshop on Small Cell and 5G Networks, Sydney, Australia, June 2014. - Time-variant channel prediction for interference alignment with limited feedback
Z. Xu and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Workshop on Small Cell and 5G Networks, Sydney, Australia, June 2014. - Low-complexity sub-band divided ray tracing for UWB indoor channels
M. Gan, P. Meissner, F. Mani, E. Leitinger, M. Fröhle, C. Oestges, K. Witrisal and T. Zemen, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
- Validation of non-line-of-sight path-loss model for V2V communications at street intersections
T. Abbas, A. Thiel, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker and F. Tufvesson in 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), Tampere, Finland, November 2013, best paper award. - Grassmannian delay-tolerant limited feedback for interference alignment
Z. Xu and T. Zemen in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (AsilomarSSC), Monterey, California, USA, November 2013. - Antenna selection diversity for IEEE 802.11p
M. Shemshaki, T. Zemen, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker in 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Vienna, Austria, November 2013. - On the use of ray tracing for performance prediction of UWB indoor localization systems
P. Meissner, M. Gan, F. Mani, E. Leitinger, C. Oestges, T. Zemen, and K. Witrisal in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013, invited, doi. - A ray tracing algorithm using the discrete prolate spheroidal subspace
M. Gan, F. Mani, F. Kaltenberger, C. Oestges, and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
- Channel estimation for intelligent transportation systems
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, N. Czink, P. Fuxjäger, F. Sánchez, V. Shivaldova, C.F. Mecklenbräuker, A. Paier, D. Smely, M. Jandrisits, B. Rainer, and C. Vogel, in ITS World Congress Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 2012. - The (in-)validity of the WSSUS assumption in vehicular radio channels
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Sydney, Australia, September, 2012. - Antenna selection for time-varying channels based on Slepian subspace projections
H. A. Saleh, A. F. Molisch, T. Zemen, S. D. Blostein, and N. B. Mehta, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, June 2012. - Performance comparison of relaying and user cooperation in multi-cell scenarios
F. Sánchez, N. Czink, T. Zemen, in IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Yokohama, Japan, May 2012.
- Energy-harvesting for source-channel coding in cyber-physical systems
P. Castiglione, O. Simeone, E. Erkip and T. Zemen, in 4th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2011. - Distributed QR factorization based on randomized algorithms
H. Straková, W. Gansterer, and T. Zemen, in 9th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), Torun, Poland, September 2011. - Subspace modeling of multi-user MIMO channels
N. Czink, B. Bandemer, C. Oestges, T. Zemen, and A. Paulraj, in IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), San Francisco, USA, September 2011, best paper award. - Cooperative space-time coded OFDM with timing errors and carrier frequency offsets
F. Sánchez, T. Zemen, G. Matz, F. Kaltenberger and N. Czink, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Wireless Communications Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011. - Distributed field estimation algorithms in vehicular sensor networks
D. Schabus, T. Zemen and M. Pucher, in IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Budapest, Hungary, May 2011. - Inter-carrier interference estimation in MIMO OFDM systems with arbitrary pilot structure
M. Šimko, C. Mehlführer, T. Zemen, and M. Rupp, in IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Budapest, Hungary, May 2011, best student paper award. - Modeling time-variant fast fading statistics of mobile peer-to-peer radio channels
M. Gan, N. Czink, P. Castiglione, C. Oestges, F. Tufvesson, and T. Zemen, in IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Budapest, Hungary, May 15-18, 2011. - In-tunnel vehicular radio channel characterization
L. Bernadó, A. Roma, T. Zemen, N. Czink, J. Karedal, A. Paier, A. Thiel, O. Klemp, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Budapest, Hungary, May 15-18, 2011. - Energy-neutral source-channel coding in energy-harvesting wireless sensors
P. Castiglione, O. Simeone, E. Erkip, and T. Zemen, in 9th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Princeton, NJ, USA, May 9-13 2011. - Cluster-based scattering identification and characterization in vehicular channels
L. Bernadó, A. Roma, N. Czink, J. Karedal, A. Paier, and T. Zemen, in European Wireless 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 27-29, 2011, invited.
- Complexity reduction for vehicular channel estimation using the filter-divergence measure
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, A. Paier, and K. Karedal, in 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, Nov. 7-10, 2010. - On the use of mismatched Wiener filtering for the characterization of non-stationary channels
A. Ispas, L. Bernadó, M. Dörpinghaus, G. Ascheid, and T. Zemen, in 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, Nov. 7-10, 2010. - Multi-Dimensional K-Factor Analysis for V2V Radio Channels in Open Sub-urban Street Crossings
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, J. Karedal, A. Paier, A. Thiel, O. Klemp, N. Czink, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey, September 26-30, 2010. - Temporal Evolution of Channel Capacity in Vehicular MIMO Channels in the 5 GHz Band
A. Alonso, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, A. Paier, T. Zemen, N. Czink, F. Tufvesson, in XX URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT-S 2010), Berlin, Germany, August 16-19, 2010. [BIB] - Impact of fading statistics on partner selection in indoor-to-outdoor cooperative networks
P. Castiglione, S. Savazzi, M. Nicoli and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010. [BIB] - Physical layer simulation results for IEEE 802.11p using vehicular non-stationary channel model
L. Bernadó, N. Czink, T. Zemen and P. Belanovic, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop on Vehicular Connectivity, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010. - Capacity evaluation of measured vehicle-to-vehicle radio channels at 5.2 GHz
A. Alonso, A. Paier, T. Zemen, N. Czink, and F. Tufvesson, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop on Vehicular Connectivity, Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010. - Low-complexity geometry-based modeling of diffuse scattering
N. Czink, F. Kaltenberger, Y. Zhou, L. Bernadó, T. Zemen and X. Yin, in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Barcelona, Spain, April 12-16, 2010. - IEEE 802.11p Transmission Using GNURadio
P. Fuxjäger, A. Costantini, D. Valerio, P. Castiglione, T. Zemen, F. Ricciato, in 6th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios (WSR10), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 3-4, 2010. Also presented at 2010 European Reconfigurable Radio Technologies Workshop (ERRT), Mainz, Germany, June 23-25, 2010.
- Survey of Doppler-delay characteristics of diffuse components in vehicular propagation channels
Y. Zhou, X. Yin, N. Czink, T. Zemen, F. Liu, in 2nd IEEE Conference on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE2009), Tongji University, Shanghai, China, December 21-22, 2009. - Parametrization of the local scattering function estimator for vehicular-to-vehicular channels
L. Bernadó, T. Zemen, A. Paier, J. Karedal, and B. H. Fleuyr, in IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009-Fall), Anchorage, Alaska, 20–23 September 2009. - Validation of minimum-energy band-limited prediction using vehicular channel measurements
T. Zemen, S. Caban, N. Czink, and M. Rupp, in 17th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Glasgow, Scotland, 24-28 August 2009. - Measurement-based modeling of vehicle-to-vehicle MIMO channels
J. Karedal, F. Tufvesson, N. Czink, A. Paier, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, C.F. Mecklenbräuker and A. Molisch, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, Jun. 14-18, 2009. - Cooperative regions for coded cooperation over time-varying fading channels
P. Castiglione, M. Nicoli, S. Savazzi and T. Zemen, in International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2009), Berlin, Germany, February 16-19, 2009. - On the characterization of MU-MIMO channels
F. Kaltenberger, L. Bernadó, and T. Zemen, in International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2009), Berlin, Germany, February 16-19, 2009. - Spatial diversity and spatial orrelation coefficient evaluation of measured vehicle-to-vehicle radio channels at 5.2 GHz
A. Paier, T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, J. Karedal, N. Czink, C. Dumard, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, in IEEE Signal Processing Society 13th DSP Workshop & 5th SPE Workshop (DPSSPE), Marco Island, Florida, USA, January 4-7, 2009, invited.
- On the temporal evolution of signal subspaces in vehicular MIMO channels in the 5GHz band
C. F. Mecklenbräuker, A. Paier, T. Zemen, G. Matz and A. F. Molisch, in Joint Workshop on Coding and Communications (JWCC 2008), Napa Valley, California, USA, Oct. 26-28, 2008, invited. - Soft sphere decoder for an iterative receiver in time-varying MIMO channels
C. Dumard, J. Jalden and T. Zemen, in 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 25-29, 2008, invited. - Non-WSSUS vehicular channel characterization at 5.2 GHz - spectral divergence and time-variant coherence parameters
L. Bernado, T. Zemen, A. Paier, G. Matz, J. Karedal, N. Czink, C. Dumard, F. Tufvesson, M. Hagenauer, A. F. Molisch, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008, invited. - Measurement-based time-variant MIMO channel modelling using clusters
N. Czink, E. Bonek, J. Ylitalo, T. Zemen, in XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008. - UMTS on the road: Broadcasting intelligent road safety information via MBMS
D. Valerio, F. Ricciato, P. Belanovic and T. Zemen, in 67th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2008-Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore, May 11–14, 2008. - Non-WSSUS vehicular channel characterization in highway and urban scenarios at 5.2 GHz using the local scattering function
A. Paier, T. Zemen, L. Bernado, G. Matz, J. Karedal, N. Czink, C. Dumard, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), Darmstadt, Germany, Feb. 26-27, 2008. [BIB]
- An entropy based model for system-level downlink capacity requirements in V2R telematic systems
P. Belanovic and T. Zemen, in 2nd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications (AutoNet 2007), Washington, DC, USA, November 30, 2007. - Cluster parameter for time-variant MIMO channel models
N. Czink, R. Tian, S. Wyne, G. Eriksson, T. Zemen, J. Ylitalo, F. Tufvesson and A. F. Molisch, in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Edingburgh, United Kingdom, November 11-16, 2007. - Car-to-car radio channel measurements at 5 GHz: Pathloss, power delay profile, and Doppler delay spectra
A. Paier, J. Karedal, N. Czink, H. Hofstetter, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. F. Molisch, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Trondheim, Norway, October 17-19. - Challenges in vehicular communications for impactive systems - Dynamics, Doppler, and delay
C. Mecklenbräuker, A. Paier, J. Karedal, N. Czink, H. Hofstetter, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, A. Molisch, presented at Joint Workshop on Coding and Communications (JWCC), Dürnstein, October, 2007. (invited) - First results from car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure radio channel measurements at 5.2GHz
A. Paier, J. Karedal, N. Czink, H. Hofstetter, C. Dumard, T. Zemen, F. Tufvesson, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, A. F. Molisch, in 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece, September 3-7, 2007. - Subspace-based sphere decoder for MC-CDMA in time-varying MIMO channels
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece, Sept. 3-7, 2007. - Sphere decoder for a MIMO multi-user MC-CDMA uplink in time-varying channels
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, June 24-28, 2007.
- Low-complexity channel emulation
F. Kaltenberger, G. Steinböck, G. Humer and T. Zemen, in European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Nice, France, November 6-10, 2006, invited. - Principal component analysis of mobility data from an operational GPRS network
C. Dumard, F. Ricciato and T. Zemen, in First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM), Beijing, China, Oct. 25-27, 2006. - Low-complexity joint data detection and channel estimation in time-varying flat-fading channels within the SAGE framework
J. Wehinger, T. Zemen, A. Kocian and B. H. Fleury, in NEWCOM-ACORN Joint Workshop (NEWCOM-ACORN), Vienna, Austria, Sep. 20-22, 2006. - Krylov subspace method based low-complexity MIMO multi-user receiver for time-variant channels
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in 17th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, Sep. 11-14, 2006, best student paper award. - Minimum-energy bandlimited time-variant channel prediction with dynamic subspace selection
T. Zemen, C. Mecklenbräuker, B. H. Fleury, in 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Florence, Italy, Sep. 4-8, 2006, invited. Erratum. - Estimators for time-variant channels applied to UMTS-HSDPA
J. Wehinger, T. Zemen and K. Freudenthaler, in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Cannes, France, July 2-5, 2006. - Time-variant channel prediction using time-concentrated and band-limited sequences
T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker and B. H. Fleury, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, June 11-15, 2006. [BIB] - Low-Complexity Doubly Selective Channel Simulation Using Multidimensional Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences
F. Kaltenberger, T. Zemen and C. Ueberhuber, in 15th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit (IST SUMMIT), Myconos, Greece, June 4-8, 2006. - Integration of the Krylov subspace method in an iterative multi-user detector for time-variant channels
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), vol. IV,Toulouse, France, May 14-19, 2006, pp. 789-792. - Time-variant channel prediction using time-concentrated and band-limited sequences - analytic results
T. Zemen, C. Mecklenbräuker and B. H. Fleury, in 5th Vienna Symposium in Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, Feb. 2006, invited. - Low complexity time-variant flat-fading channel simulation using discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
F. Kaltenberger, T. Zemen and C. Ueberhuber, in 5th Vienna Symposium in Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, Feb. 2006, invited.
- Successive Slepian subspace projection in time and frequency for time-variant channel estimation
T. Zemen, H. Hofstetter and G. Steinböck, in 14th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit (IST SUMMIT), Dresden, Germany, June 19-22, 2005. - Double Krylov subspace approximation for low complexity iterative multi-user decoding and time-variant channel estimation
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in Sixth IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), New York, USA, June 5- 8, 2005, pp. 346-350. - Krylov approximation for multi-user detection with parallel interference cancellation in chip and user space
C. Dumard and T. Zemen, in Winterschool on Coding and Information Theory, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 20-25, 2005.
- Iterative multi-user decoding with time-variant channel estimation for MC-CDMA
T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, J. Wehinger and R. R. Müller, in Fifth International Conference on 3G Mobile Communications Technologies (3G2004), London, United Kingdom, October 18-20, 2004, pp. 88-92, invited. - Iterative MIMO multi-user detection: Performance evaluation with COST 259 channel model
H. Hofstetter, T. Zemen, J. Wehinger and G. Steinböck, in Seventh International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Abano Terme, Italy, Sep. 12-15, 2004, invited. - Doppler diversity in MC-CDMA using the Slepian basis expansion model
T. Zemen and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Vienna, Austria, Sep. 7-10, 2004. - On channel estimators for iterative CDMA multiuser receivers in flat Rayleigh fading
J. Wehinger, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, R. R. Müller, T. Zemen and M. Loncar, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, June 2004.
- Improved channel estimation for iterative receivers
T. Zemen, M. Loncar, J. Wehinger, C. F. Mecklenbräuker and Ralf R. Müller, in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), vol. 1, San Francisco (CA), USA, Dec. 1-5, 2003, pp. 257-261. - Time-variant channel equalization via discrete prolate spheroidal sequences
T. Zemen and C. F. Mecklenbräuker, in 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove (CA), USA, Nov. 9-12, 2003, invited. [BIB] - Time variant channel equalization for MC-CDMA via Fourier basis functions
T. Zemen, C. F. Mecklenbräuker and Ralf R. Müller, in MC-SS Workshop 2003, Oberpaffenhofen, Germany, Sep. 17-19, 2003, pp. 451-458. - Iterative detection and channel estimation for MC-CDMA
T. Zemen, J. Wehinger, C. F. Mecklenbräuker and Ralf R. Müller, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), vol.5, Anchorage (Alaska), May 2003, pp. 3462-3466.
- Classification of sleep apnea events by means of radial basis function networks
T. Zemen, M. Clabian, H. Pfützner, in ISCS Neural Computation, NC'98, Austria, Vienna, Sept. 1998.
- Method for Emulating a Radio Channel
M. Hofer, T. Zemen, WO 2018/085769 A1, Mai 2018; EP3539230, Dec. 2020. - Channel Estimation in an OFDM Transmission System
N. Czink, T. Zemen, L. Bernadó, A. Molisch, EP2461530, June 2012.
Review Articles
- Das Forschungsprojekt TARO: Produktivität, Kapazität und Qualität des Systems Bahn erhöhen
M. Hofer, T. Zemen, R. Lorenz, N. Furian, Z. Letonja, S. Proll, B. Lunzer and A. Stefanova, Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau Austria (ETR), vol. 9, Sept. 2023. - Wireless 5G ultra reliable low latency communications
T. Zemen, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, no. 7, 2018.
Edited Publication
- 5G/6G Newsletter, Ed. T. Zemen, OVE, Graz, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
- ERCIM News, special theme: 5G, Eds. T. Zemen and T. Norp, ERCIM EEIG, Sophia Antipolis, France, April 2019.
Book Chapters
- Vehicular channels
L. Bernadó, N. Czink, T. Zemen, A. Paier, F. Tufvesson, C. F. Mecklenbräuker, and A. F. Molisch, in LTE Advanced and Beyond Wireless Networks: Channel Modeling and Propagation, Ed. G. de la Roche, A. Alayón, and B. Allen, John Wiley and Sons, 2012. - Wireless access in vehicular environments
T. Zemen, L. Bernadó, K. Sjöberg, and E. Uhlemann, in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications, The COST Action 2100, Ed. Roberto Verdone, Springer 2012. - Multi-user MIMO receiver processing for time-varying channels
C. Dumard, J. Jalden, and T. Zemen, in Wireless Communications over Rapidly Time-Varying Channels, Eds. F. Hlawatsch and G. Matz, Academic Press, 2011. - Multiuser MIMO channel equalization
C. F. Mecklenbräuker, J. Wehinger, T. Zemen, H. Artés, and F. Hlawatsch, in Smart Antennas---State of the Art, Eds. T. Kaiser, A. Bourdoux, H. Boche, J. R. Fonollosa, J. Bach Andersen, W. Utschick, Section 1.4, EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing and Communications, New York (NY): Hindawi, 2006, pp. 53--76.
- Wireless communications over time-variant channels
T. Zemen, Habilitation Thesis. Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2013. - OFDM multi-user communication over time-variant channels
T. Zemen, Doctoral Thesis. Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2004. - Classification of sleep apnea events by means of neural networks
T. Zemen, Diploma Thesis. Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 1998.
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Supervision of Master Thesis
- M. N. Rafan, Master thesis, 6G broadband radio channel measurement system, University of Ferrara, jointly with G. Bellanca and M. Hofer, ongoing.
- S. Sandh, Master thesis, Ray tracing based 6G reflective intelligent surface modelling, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 2023.
- I. D'Amante, Master thesis, Geometry based stochastic radio channel modelling for railway communications, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, jointly with M. Hofer, Dec. 2023.
- C. Soliveri, Master thesis, Electronic beamforming for reliable UAV communication links, Université Côte d´ Azur, June 2023, jointly with J. Lanteri and D. Löschenbrand.
- P. Thiele, Master thesis, Supervised machine learning for pattern recognition of frequency hopping spread spectrum communication, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2022, jointly with M. Leitner and L. Bernadó.
- A. Dakić, Master thesis, Delay bounding protocols for vehicular scenarios using a SDR testbed, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019.
- J. Skorepa, Master thesis, Frequency-hopping parameter estimation for unmanned aerial vehicle radio links, Prague University, Prague, Czech Republik, 2018, jointly with F. Kaltenberger.
- A. F. García Albarracín, Master thesis, Wireless wave propagation modeling in city street canyons, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2016, jointly with F. Tufvesson.
- A. Dichev, Master thesis, Vehicular channel sounding with a software-defined-radio platform, EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2016, jointly with F. Kaltenberger and O. Renaudin.
- Xuhong Li, Master thesis, Speedup Ray Tracing (RT) Simulation and New Algorithm to Generate Diffuse Scattering Tiles, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2013, jointly with M. Gan and F. Tufvesson.
- T. An, Master thesis, Feasibility study of interference alignment in time-variant and frequency-selective channels, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2011, jointly with R. Tresch and F. Tufvesson.
- Anna Roma, Characterization of vehicle-to-vehicle channels in various scenarios, Master Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2010, jointly with Laura Bernadó and Christoph Mecklenbräuker.
- P. Castiglione, Cooperative communications over time-variant channels, Master Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 2007, jointly with M. Nicoli.
- H. Somasegaran, Channel estimation and prediction in UMTS LTE, Master Thesis, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, 2006, jointly with B. H. Fleury.
Supervision of Doctoral Thesis
- Cédric Soliveri, 6G cell free systems for vehicular users, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, ongoing.
- Hamed Radpour, Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for reliable wireless 6G communication, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, ongoing.
- Anja Dakić, System level modeling of vehicular communication systems, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, ongoing.
- Aina Val Martí, Design and evaluation of advanced photonic radio heads for next-generation wireless networks, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, jointly with B. Schrenk, November 2024.
- David Löschenbrand, Widely distributed massive MIMO communication systems for high mobility users, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, March 2024.
- Stefan Zelenbaba, Digital twin for reliable wireless communications, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, October 2022.
- Markus Hofer, Real-time geometry based channel emulation and estimation, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 2019.
- Zhinan Xu, User cooperation in wireless time-variant channels, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, October 2016.
- Kim Mahler, Wideband vehicular radio channel modeling, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, jointly with G. Caire and F. Tufvesson, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 2016.
- Mingming Gan, Accurate and low-complexity ray tracing channel modeling, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, November 2015.
- Paolo Castiglione, Cooperative and energy-neutral protocols for energy-limited wireless sensor networks, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2012, jointly with G. Matz and M. Nicoli.
- Laura Bernadó, Non-stationarity in vehicular wireless channels, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2012, jointly with C. Mecklenbräuker.
- Roland Tresch, Node coordination and cooperation in multiuser wireless communications, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2011, jointly with M. Guillaud and G. Matz.
- Charlotte Dumard, Low-complexity receivers for a multi-user OFDM system in time-varying MIMO channels, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2009, jointly with G. Matz.
- Florian Kaltenberger, Low-complexity real-time signal processing for wireless communications, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 2007, jointly with C. Überhuber.
- Nicolai Czink, The random-cluster model: A stochastic MIMO channel model for broadband communication systems of the 3rd generation and beyond, Doctoral Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 2007, jointly with E. Bonek.
Participation in Thesis Committees
- Allan Wainaina Mbugua, Channel sounding, characterization and emulation for advanced radio systems, Doctoral Thesis, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, April 2023, examiner.
- Chouaib Bencheikh Lehocine, Robust low-cost multiple antenna processing for V2V communication, Doctoral Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 2022, faculty opponent.
- Sumit Kumar, Architecture for simultaneous multi-standard software defined radio receiver, Doctoral Thesis, Sorbonne Universität, EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, April 2019, examiner.
- Bernhard Auinger, On the performance testing of MIMO enabled wireless mobile user devices, Doctoral Thesis, Technische Universität Graz, Graz, Austria, June 2015, examiner.