Thomas Zemen received the Dipl.-Ing. degree, the doctoral degree and the Venia Docendi (Habilitation) from Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien).
He joined AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in 2014 and is Principal Scientist since 2021 leading the wireless research group. Previously, Thomas Zemen worked for Siemens AG Austria and the Telecommunication Research Center Vienna (FTW).
Mr. Zemen has published four book chapters, 43 journal papers, more than 150 conference communications, and two patents. His research interests are sustainable green 6G physical layer radio communication technologies for time-sensitive applications with a focus on distributed massive MIMO systems, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, multi-band mmWave communications, quantum sensing, and photonic mechanisms for radio frequency systems.
Dr. Zemen is docent at the Vienna University of Technology, teaching advanced wireless communications.